President Sundhagen called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.  Members present include Tim Sundhagen, Rod Berry, Jon Hersel, Neil Olson, Richard Schmidt, Nathan Germundson, Candice Wenger, Sarah Moe, and Ronica Pederson.  Pastor Sandy was also present.  Pastor Sandy led us in devotions and communion was distributed.

Secretary’s Report: Germundson read the minutes of the Nov 8th mtg.  Motion by Candice 2nd by Neil to approve as read, motion carried.  Germundson read the minutes of the Dec 13th mtg.  Motion by Candice, 2nd by Rod to approve as read, motion carried.

Pastor’s report:  Pastor gave us her report of the activities she has been busy doing.  Christmas programs, visiting and Holy Communion at the Tioga LTC, confirmation, baptisms, and other things.  She talked about the upcoming event at UMM.  She is preparing for First Communion classes starting the 18th of January.

Treasurer’s Report:  The treasurer was not present and no report given.  Motion by Rod, 2nd by Candice to dispense with the treasurer’s report, motion carried.

Education Committee:  The Sunday school is working on possibly putting together an Easter pageant.  Details are still in the works.

Evangelism Committee:  No report

Property and Management:  Stewart Dolan is hoping to start doing some work on the parsonage this week.  We received the manifest on the asbestos removal so a check was issued to them at the end of December.  The check was in the amount of $38,880.  There was only $17,750 in the asbestos removal fund, so the remaining $21,130 was taken out of the oil fund.  Rod presented a design quote for the remodel of the Pastor’s office.  It is a complete remodel of all fixtures in the office.  The design quote included all shelving, cupboards, and desks.  It does not include flooring, doors, trim, and paint.  The quote was for $8,594.39.  This will be paid for by the W-ELCA.  Motion by Richard, 2nd by Candice to allow the W-ELCA move forward on the office remodel and that any unforeseen problems that are found come before the council, motion carried.  Discussion was held on the cost of snow removal, no action taken. 

Stewardship Committee:  Discussion was held on general offerings vs. expenses and the lack of not covering all the expenses.  There was also discussion on the different line item funds that are listed in the savings account report. 

Worship Committee:  We will not be participating in a round robin this year for the Lent season.  Pastor is still working out the details.

Old Business:  The sign-up sheet for council money counter and communion assistant went around to sign up.  The second part of the annual meeting will be held on January 22nd and we will also install Church Council members that day.  Discussion was held on the First Trinity United ministry budget, Tim stated that he had contacted the Presidents of the other councils and discussed the discrepancies we found on the budget and also the 50/50 split on the rent for Jodi.  Tim said both president’s understood and would take it to their respective councils.  We have not heard back, Tim will follow up.  Discussion was held on the video camera for the church services.  It was discussed about the possibility of putting the church service on our web site but also try to keep it on the local NCC channel.  Tim said that he will talk to NCC and see what we need to get this ministry going again.  Discussion was also held finishing the insulating on the heat lines in the tunnels.

New Business:  Discussion was held on the church’s post office box.  Pastor received notice from the Post Master that the church will no longer receive our Post Office Box for free and that if we want to continue having the size of box that we have, that we will have to pay an annual fee of $120.  If we want to continue to receive a free box we would have to drop down to a small sized box and of course this would mean that we would have to do an address change.  Motion by Rod 2nd by Richard to keep the box that we have and pay the fee, motion carried.  Pastor informed us of the web site that is now up for the church.  Check it out and keep in mind that this is a work in process.  Council positions and committee assignments.  Tim expressed that he would like to step down as president.  Rod volunteered to serve as president.  Richard volunteered to serve as Vice President.  Nathan volunteered to serve as Secretary.  There was a motion by Candice 2nd by Richard that the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for the following positions; President, Rod Berry, Vice President, Richard Schmidt, Secretary, Nathan Germundson, motion carried.  Committee assignment we issued and are as follows;

Evangelism: Tim Sundhagen
Worship: Nathan Germundson and Ronica Pederson
Stewardship:  Richard Schmidt and Jon Hersel
Education:  Candice Wenger and Sarah Moe
Property Management:  Neil Olson, Curtis Bugbee, and Fred Oermeyer

We are still short 1 person for council if anyone is willing to serve please talk to one of the members.

With no further business to discuss, motion by Neil 2nd by Richard to adjourn at 8:40pm, motion carried.  We than closed with the Lord’s Prayer

Nathan Germundson

Dear Friends in Christ,

I read something in a book recently that asked this question, “Why are people more successful at losing weight when they join a club for it?” And then it answered its own question this way: “Usually groups like Weight Watchers or Overeaters Anonymous stress highly the encouragement that members give to one another. The club’s existence, furthermore, demands an accountability that is hard to escape. When dieters know they have to report in, they stick to their disciplines more faithfully.”

Here are my questions: “Why do we put up with that? Why do we belong to groups at all? There are rules; there are expectations; there are people we disappoint if we don’t show up. Why do we go along with these things in groups like Weight Watchers or our local exercise group called Killin’ It Fit Club? I remember when I used to go to the exercise place here in Tioga. I was at my healthiest, because I was there on a regular basis, and I got better and better on the machines. You see, there were people there who expected me to be there because we did the hard stuff together, and if I missed my regular time, they would wonder where I was. I also didn’t want to miss because it was so much fun visiting with those special people I met there each time.

Why do we join groups and go along with rules and expectations of others? Because it works. Human beings are better at life when we share it with others. I realized that again recently when the decision was made to remodel the pastor’s office at First Lutheran. When I needed to clean out my office so the work of de-construction could begin (many of you have seen my messy office!) the task seemed overwhelming! But when Linda Holmen and Kim Berry came and started packing books and putting things in boxes alongside me, we were done in no time! The extra hands helped, to be sure, but what made it clip right along was the conversation and the laughs that we shared in the process.

This is why I encourage people to come to church. Yes, of course we can worship God wherever we are ~ and worshiping God at a camp site at the lake can be awesome!  But we lose something special when we don’t come together as believers on a regular basis. The worship, the conversation and the laughs we share are priceless. Coming to worship is uplifting as we connect in a more intentional way with our God, but also with each other. It’s amazing how being with people who care about us can lift our spirits, even if they don’t even know we are hurting.  When you or I are not seen at church, people miss us! They wonder how we are, and they wish we were there with them!  

So please know that my article this month isn’t meant to be a scolding; I know that life is busy and we are torn in many directions all the time. Sometimes it’s exhausting! But I do want to say that worshiping together has many benefits that we don’t even realize. And in sharing the benefits of coming together to worship, we also share benefits with others in the world ~ much better than we could alone! Honoring God can be done anywhere, true, but sharing life with others who believe that God loves them and loves you and me, too, brings something to life that no other clubs or activities can bring. Let’s share some special moments of loving God and loving each other just as Jesus said. It really is a good thing to do!

And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds. Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.

                                                            ~ Hebrews 10.24-25 (CEB)

President Rod Berry called the meeting to order at 11:28 am.  Nathan Germundson determined that there was a quorum present and Pastor Sandy led us in Prayer.  President Berry called for the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion by Raymond Schmidt, 2nd by Don Zacharias to dispense with the reading of the minutes, motion carried.

Old business:  There is one open spot on the council.  President Berry asked for nominations/volunteers for this spot, it would be for a 2yr term.  There were no volunteers that stepped up.  There was a nomination for Raymond Schmidt, but he respectfully declined the nomination.  The spot will remain open and the council will appoint someone to fill it at a later time. 
There were questions raised about the asbestos project.  Richard Schmidt gave a report on the project.  The project is complete and the Church has received the manifest on the asbestos removed.  This is a document that will need to remain with the church building for as long as it stands.  It is currently placed in the safe at the church.  Schmidt also commented that they are working on getting the heat lines re insulated.  
There were questions raised about the parsonage remodel project.  Candice Wenger gave a report on this project.  She is currently getting bids from plumbers and the carpenter is ready to start on the project.  She is hoping to be done with the project in late spring.

New Business:  The annual report booklet has been sent out to all members, President Berry asked if there was any discussion on any of the committee reports.  Motion by Jon Hersel, 2nd by Richard Schmidt to approve all committee reports as printed, motion carried. 
President Berry stated that due to illness the church treasurer was unable to make the meeting.  The complete treasurer’s report is printed in the annual report booklet.  There was a motion by Richard Schmidt, 2nd by Kim Berry, to approve the treasurer’s report as printed and noted that it had been approved by the audit committee, motion carried.

Discussion was held on the remodel job that has started on the Pastor’s office.  President Berry gave a report on this project.  He said that the fixtures are scheduled to be delivered February 15th.  This project is being funded by the W-ELCA group.  The Pastor’s office has temporarily been moved to the nursery.

With no further business to discuss there was a motion by Raymond Schmidt, 2nd by Lil Schmidt to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 am, motion carried.

We closed the meeting with singing our table prayer.

Nathan Germundson

First Lutheran W-ELCA
January 2017

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Holmen.  Also attending were Diana Thompson, Romell Lawson, Kim Longie, Lil Schmidt, Arlene Grubb, Dorothy Mrochinsky, Vickie Germundson, and Hazel Iverson.

The W-ELCA creed was recited.  Linda handed out information on websights for devotionals.

A welome to the new board members Vickie and Hazel.
The December minutes as well as the November meeting minutes were read and approved.

Discussion on purchasing a new 100 cup coffee pot and it was decided that the smaller coffee makers may be enough and to wait to purchase a large coffee pot if one is urgently needed.

Discussion on new banners needed for the Sanctuary.

The Treasurer's report was reviewed.  The SWO (Synodical Women's Organization) has an outline of percentages of funds received in our unit to be sent to the SWO.  Lil motioned to give 50% of our regular earnings in  our unit that come from potlucks and circle offerings to the SWO.  Seconded by Kim Longie, motion carried unanimously.

Kim Longie moved to give $25.00 from our unit yearly for the SWO convention.  Motion seconded by Lil, carried unanimously.

Arlene Grubb motioned to send $25.00 yearly to the SWO that helps with the Triennial Convention Fund.  Seconded by Dorothy, MCU.

Motion by Lil Schmidt, seconded by Romell to accept the Treasure report, carried unanimously.

Old business consisted of an update on remodeling the Pastor's office project.   Motion by Diana to accept the plans (in the amount of $8,594.39) that have been drawn up by Menards and the committee of Rod and Kim Berry and Pastor Sandy Anderson. Seconded by Kim Longie, carried unanimously.

Discussion of the available yearly funds earned and the list of gifts dispersed in previous year.

Kim Longie motioned to transfer $550 from the Quilt Fund to General Fund to purchase a large TV for the fellowship hall; seconded by Vickie, carried unanimously.

Hazel moved to forward her yearly gift of $100 to start a new fund for new speakers in the fellowship hall.  Vickie seconded motion, carried unanimously.

Motion by Kim Longie to leave the gifts of 2016 as listed with the exception of the few that were discussed to change.  Lil seconded, carried unanimously.

Diana Thompson moved to donate $2,000.00 from the proceeds of the spaghetti feed and pie auction to the furnace fund and the remainder to the update of the Pastor's Office ($8,595.00).  Lil seconded motion, carried unanimously.

Upcoming business will be the serving of potluck by the Honor Circle for the Annual meeting January 22, 2017.  Next meeting February 1 with circle at 1 p.m. and Board meeting at 2 p.m.

A memorial from the family of Orpha Prather is a picture to be hung in the church.  Lil will help with the decision of which picture and the size and where it wil be placed.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. with the Lord's Prayer.

Arlene Grubb, Acting Secretary.

First Trinity United Ministry News:

Recently I had the opportunity of attending the Lutheran Youth Organization’s retreat in Garrison at the Camp of the Cross.  This was an overnight gathering and not only did this new board do some community building activities but it also began planning the 2017 youth gathering.   Right away I was impressed with the leadership of the youth and the dedication of the adult leaders who were in attendance.  This is a group of people who have a heart for youth ministry and are very dedicated to our synod and the youth within.  My term is only for a year but I am grateful to be included and look forward to serving. 

Not sure what the synod LYO group is?   Well, you aren’t alone.  I did some research on the synod website and here is some of what I learned.  The WND Lutheran Youth Organization includes each and every high school student in congregations across the whole synod.  Each fall, over a hundred young people from congregations throughout the synod come together for the annual LYO Gathering.  The gathering begins on a Thursday afternoon and ends on a Saturday afternoon.  Three days focused on growing and sharing our faith, serving the world in Christ’s name, engaging in dynamic worship, and building relationships. 

At the gathering a new LYO board is elected each year.  One youth member from each of the 7 conferences of the synod and 4 officers are elected.  Each member serves a 2-year term.  Adult advisers serve a 1-year term.  The main function of the LYO Board is to plan and promote the annual gathering and to encourage youth throughout the synod to support and get involved in congregational youth ministry. 

One of the highlights of our recent retreat happened as we were reviewing the current LYO budget.  Money is slim because we just had a gathering and the monies were spent.  As the board was discussing ways to increase our funding I learned that each conference within the synod gives money to the synod LYO Board.  Knowing that the Upper Missouri Conference, our conference, was having a gathering at UMM I quickly sent a text to Pastor Sandy and asked if she could help us out and inquire about the conference giving.  Within minutes I received a response that the Upper Missouri Conference would give $1500 to LYO.  I wish you could have seen the look on the youths’ faces and heard their cheers.  Thank you, Upper Missouri Conference, for your continued support. If there are individuals who would also like to support the LYO please just call Beth Anderson at the synod offices and she can help you.

Dear First and Trinity United Ministry congregations, I understand that it is sometimes difficult to support a ministry when you don’t directly have youth within your congregation involved in.  But the synod LYO is asking for all youth to become involved.  We want all the youth within our four churches to participate in both the local youth and family ministry as well as the synod ministry and the national youth gathering.  God is doing working in our midst…Now is the time to grow and serve in Christ’s name. 

Grace and Peace,
Deacon Jodi. 


The hours for the food pantry are the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:00pm.  We are so blessed to have Roxy Uhlich taking care of it!  She has been managing the pantry on a volunteer basis for many, many years!  If you know someone who is in need of food and can’t get to the pantry on the designated days, please have them call the church office or Pastor Sandy. Type your paragraph here.

First Lutheran Council Meeting
January 10, 2017

Happy ♡ Day! See you in church!
Pastor Sandy

First Lutheran Church
Annual Meeting Part 2
January 23, 2017